
Kiwanis Club


Riceville, IA 50466


Cresco Kiwanis / Key No. K01916, Riceville Kiwanis / Key No. K10473,

The name “Kiwanis” means “we trade” or “we share our talents.” It was coined from an American Indian expression, Nunc Kee-wanis.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.

Our mission is Serving the Children of the World. Ordinary people performing EXTRAORDINARY work!

Kiwanis, through guidance and example, works to develop future generations of leaders. Every day, Kiwanians are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities.

Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small. Why? Because working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things happen!

As Kiwanis clubs and members, we see it everyday!

Join our Membership

  • Cresco Kiwanis meets in the Laura Rose Lobby at the hospital, Tuesdays, 5:30pm
    235 8th Ave W Cresco IA 52136
  • Riceville Kiwanis meets at Windy Tree Cafe, Thursdays, 7:00am
    100 Woodland Ave Riceville IA 50466