563.547.5424 Kessel Kids
563.547.2340 CHS Elementary
563.547.3006 Kessel Kids 2
Provider ID: 39278
Provider Type: Exempt from Licensing
Preschool classes are held in the Cresco Early Childhood Center (Provider ID: 39112) east of the elementary school. Our district received the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant in 2009. Tuition and transportation costs are supported by allocations from this continuing program. We have 4 sections of preschool serving 78 students. The staff includes 4 teachers, 3 special area teachers, and 9 para-educators. There is integrated Early Childhood Special Education within the classrooms.
There are two options for preschool attendance. Families may choose 4 full days or 4 half-days in the A.M. Both are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The federal Head Start Program and Kessel Kids Child Care & Learning Center and after-school program are also located in the Early Childhood Center.